Cricut Mug Press

Cricut Mug Press

  • A Cricut heat press product designed to wrap perfectly around the outside of a sublimation mug. A design is first typically made with a Cricut machine, and then the mug press heats the infusible ink sheets or infusible ink markers to transfer the design.
  • A Cricut Training Class will be offered every other month to teach Design Space and Cricut basics. This class is not required to use the Cricut Mug Press, though highly recommended for beginners and those looking to refresh their skills.
  • Cricut appointments will be supervised by a Birchard staff member. Unsupervised use is only permitted after a patron has demonstrated adequate knowledge of the machine. Appointments can be made on Thursdays between 10:00 am – 4:00 pm. Patrons may reserve the space for up to 2 hours. Call to schedule an appointment.
  • Patrons may bring their own materials for the Cricut Mug Press, as long as it is either infusible ink sheets or markers, and or a sublimation mug of the appropriate size.
  • The mugs for the Cricut Mug Press must be sublimation mugs of either 12 ounces or 15 ounces. The 12 ounce mugs typically use a 4.5’’ x 12’’ sheet of infusible ink.
  • Video tutorials and further resources
  • Samples:

    Cricut Mug Press sample project

      Cricut Mug Press sample project

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